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Getting an expedition together is a challenge in itself. Not only have you got to plan all the logistics and apply for all the necessary visas and permits for where you are going, but you have also got to make sure you can maintain your safety, security and react to an emergency should one arise. This is even before you have looked at how you can maximise the publicity from  whatever it is you are trying do.

It is, therefore, important to understand what systems and solutions are available on the market and how these may work best for you. Expeditions come in many shapes and sizes from climbing Everest to walking Pole to Pole.

Livewire Connections has assisted many different expeditions over the years from servicemen going to the North Pole, rowers crossing the Atlantic, a team tracking wolves in Ethiopia  and a 16 year old becoming the youngest person to sail around the world. Each of these activities has very different requirements on why they need to stay connected.

Livewire Connections can provide a complete range of solutions like the latest satellite handheld  terminals from Inmarsat, Iridium and Thuraya to a truly mobile satellite terminal that will allow you to stream video back to a news channel for live broadcast.

We can also provide tracking solutions so that your progress can be monitored and tracked by your base/shore teams.

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Livewire Connections is pleased to offer new and renewal Sky Offshore customers a 50% discount off our...

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Marlink to acquire Livewire Connections to create the leading maritime VSAT company in the superyacht market...

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